15 Weird Facts About Life

15 Weird Facts About Life


Life on Earth is often times⁤ strange and ​bizarre.⁤ Every day something seemingly ⁤impossible happens and researchers and scientists give explanations for it. There are a⁤ variety of weird facts about life that⁢ you probably‌ didn’t know about. We will talk about 15 ​such facts that are sure to fascinate you.

Fact 1: ⁢The ⁤human nose can remember⁢ 50,000⁣ different scents

The average human can recognize and​ differentiate more than 50,000 unique smells. This⁤ fact is attributed to the olfactory receptors present in⁣ the nose, ⁤which can ⁣receive different levels of scent and transmit it ⁤to the ‍brain. Tests conducted on adults indicated⁣ that participants⁣ could accurately ‍differentiate between scents that were perceived⁤ slight variations of‍ the same smell.⁣

Fact ⁣2:Crocodiles shed tears when eating

Crocodiles may appear cold and expressionless on the outside but they⁣ too show emotion while they eat. Scientists believe that crocodiles produce tears when eating and⁣ this ⁢can very well be a form of relief. Researchers have also noticed that crocodiles are extremely‍ vocal ⁣during meal times and can produce various low‌ pitched noises.

Fact 3: Humans shed around ⁤600,000 particles of skin every hour

The human body is constantly shedding and replacing skin cells. ‌Apart​ from being replaced every 27⁤ days, humans shed around 600,000 particles of ‍skin every hour. Most of these ​cells are so small and‍ light that they can easily get suspended in the atmosphere.

Fact 4: The average person loses around 200⁤ strands of hair everyday

The average person loses around 200 strands of ‌hair⁣ each day​ naturally. This is a natural process and it is nothing ‍to worry ‍about as the hair follicles regenerate. Research⁢ suggests that⁤ women tend to ⁤lose more hair than men due to the decrease in⁣ estrogen⁢ levels due to aging.

Fact ‌5: ⁣Your taste buds regenerate every 2⁢ weeks

The taste buds on the tongue are replaced every two weeks.‍ The⁢ old taste buds shed off and new ones grow in their place.⁣ This is why‍ some of the ‍foods that you did not find appetizing earlier ⁢might start to taste better when you eat them after some time.⁣

Fact 6: Some ‌viruses can survive even in outer space

Recent studies have revealed that certain viruses, such as⁣ the ‌Enterovirus, can survive in the extreme conditions ⁢of outer space. The microscopic organisms are able ⁢to survive​ in the vacuum‍ and extreme​ temperatures of ⁣space without⁢ any food or water.

Fact⁣ 7: Hippos ​sweat blood

This may sound very strange, but did⁢ you know that ⁣some species⁢ of hippos can secrete a red substance from their skin? The red substance is actually a mixture⁢ of blood and mucous which⁤ has antiseptic ‌properties. This helps⁤ them to protect themselves from parasites and infection.

Fact 8:‌ Some animals never sleep

Certain ‍animals in the⁣ world, such as whales and dolphins, never sleep. They ⁢are known to‌ stay awake for days at⁤ a stretch and can even ⁤swim during this time. Researchers⁢ believe that ⁢these animals‌ don’t experience the same kind of fatigue that human beings experience due to lack of sleep.

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Fact 9: Giraffes‌ can last⁣ longer without water than camels

Giraffes may ‍look fragile and‍ delicate but ⁢they are extremely resilient animals. They can go without ⁣water for days and the only ‍source of fluid for them is moist ⁣leaves or dew. Interestingly, they can last ‍even ⁢longer without water than‍ camels, because they consume most of their fluids from the leaves⁣ they eat!

Fact 10:⁣ Ants never sleep

Just like whales and dolphins, ants never sleep because they don’t experience fatigue like‍ humans.​ Some ants can ‌stay awake for weeks together without any rest. This makes‍ them ⁣one of the‍ most hardworking creatures and they never stop looking for food.

Fact 11: Mosquitoes have been ‌on Earth for more ⁤than ‌100 million ⁤years

Mosquitoes are some ‌of the oldest ⁢creatures ​on‍ the planet and have been in existence for more than 100 million years. Even though they ⁤are ​small and ⁣insignificant looking, they have survived the test of time and still continue to be one of the most annoying creatures ⁤out there.

Fact 12: Blood vessels cover a total of 60,000​ miles in the human‌ body

The ‍intricate network‍ of blood‍ vessels in⁤ a human body is⁣ quite a​ marvel and it covers​ a total of 60,000 miles, that’s equivalent to a trip around the world! The ‌network is composed of arteries, veins and capillaries which ⁤transport oxygen, nutrients and other vital materials throughout the body.

Fact 13: There⁣ are around 7 Octillion atoms in the human body

Atoms are the building blocks of matter ‍and they consist of protons, neutrons and⁣ electrons. The human body is actually built up of a staggering 7⁤ octillion atoms and these atoms are‌ constantly shuffling around to perform an immense​ variety of ⁢functions.

Fact 14: The heart beats around ⁢115,000⁢ times⁢ a ⁣day

The heart ​is‍ probably one ​of the most important organs in the⁤ body and it pumps around 5 quarts of the blood continuously. An ⁢average adult heart beats around 115,000‌ times a day‌ and is capable of pumping around 2,000 gallons of blood​ in⁣ a‌ day. ​

Fact 15: Humans​ shed⁢ their entire outer layer of skin ⁢every 2-4 weeks

The outermost layer of skin is known as the stratum corneum and it is composed‍ of dead‍ skin cells​ which are constantly shed as new cells grow⁢ below them. Throughout⁤ our lives, we shed our ‌entire outermost layer of skin every 2-4 weeks.⁣ So, in effect, we live in ⁣a new skin every two weeks!⁣


We hope these weird facts about life have filled you with​ fascination and wonder. Life is an unpredictable journey and who knows⁢ what strange ⁤surprise awaits us in the future. Until then, take some time to appreciate⁣ the‌ uniqueness of the life on ⁣Earth and all the marvelous facts about it.

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